En ce qui concerne ma partie j'ai réalisé la charte graphique et la feuille de style css du site qui se voulaient très simples et claires. Mise en place également d'un bloc login (php mysql) donnant l'accès à des pages réservées aux inscrits.
Voir le site

FOROIL's website is now online. I wish I could explain what their work consists of, but I can't, I'm sorry, this is way too complicated. Roughly speaking, FOROIL is a company selling a revolutionnary technology that allows to foresee and optimize the production of matured oilfield or gaz fields ( in production for more than 10 years).. that's all I can do ^_^
I created graphic guidelines and css style sheet of the website, thinking of something simple and plain. A login block ( php mysql ) has also been set up, which allows registered users to consult exclusive content.
See the website
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